
Confession from 傻瓜

Didn't write blog for a long time... Suddenly feel like to update it so I make up a decision to express my feeling within these few months into a simple note... Someone convinced me to accept the other people's love since she knows that I'm having interest on her... This sounds ridiculous for me because I know she had the same feeling to me. What is the obstacle that stands between us and separating us from attach to each other? I would like to reveal the answer, that's what we being heard for decades and been usual to it's meaning hidden in it, TIMING... Despite of feeling, environment, situation and characteristic matter, TIMING separated us to two edges, atmosphere and Earth core... I had grown older ad older but I'm still feel hopeless in front of loving matter... I mean, this kind of matter... I'm unable to confront her to have faith on me, it's my failure... Recently, I'm having hard feeling all the time... because I'm scare of her leave... More than just scare, it's terrifying... It's hard to find someone having all the condition that meet up my expectation... and she, just she, required all of it... She's unlike the other girls, her taste and characteristic are totally unique. She just exist in my life, like a gift from God... An unreplaceable gift ever in my life before... Fall in love on her might be a mistake and maybe I'm a moron like she said... but I would like to try out my luck... I have faith on her... I believe that I can make her feel touch by my expression of love and care to her. I hope I can be the last stand besides her... This is the first time and might be the last time for me to strike so hard for a girl. For many time, I'm trying to fall in love to someone and this is first time I don't even have to force myself to express my love to someone... Furthermore, I make the first move all the time... Secretly, I found something related to her and I might know her move... but I'm not scare of getting hurt... It's because I really fall in love on her... She told me that I might get hurt and don't even know how to recover from it... I know, I really know... But I'm willing to get hurt, just because of her... The moment she read this article, she might had hurt me badly... but I hope she found her real happiness... I won't force her... I don't want to force my beloved to make any hard feeling decision... As long as I'm exist in her heart, I'll feel worth for everything I'd done. 小贝, I love you... No matter what kind of decision that you are going to make or what kind of damage you are going to inflict on me, I'll just receive it... As long as you are happy with your decision... If this is a endless story, I'll keep it as one piece of my memory for the rest of my life... If it's a happy ending, I'll promise you with my entire life that I'll treat you as my most precious treasure on the world and make you be the happiest woman on the world... Promise means promise, I wont take back my words...



曾一度以为那时将会是我一生人之中最后一次为了心仪女生而豁出去...怎知道天有不测之风云,我跟她仍然无法在一起...对于她,我始终不是她心目中那位穿着白色西装服,驾着白色宝马的那位白马王子。她曾经告诉我,她梦见了我身穿白衣白裤,与我的双胞胎兄弟驾着白色宝马带她逃离恶灵的魔爪。哈哈...他不知道我听了之后有多么高兴...她在对面传来了疑问:“你做莫不讲话的?” 我当时已经被她的可爱所吸引着了...那是我无法在她的 FB 里感受到的...这是一种很真的感觉~ 她梦见了我!是我耶!我当时幸福惨了~ 但她当时就认为我不是个爱说话的人...我想告诉她说:“其实,是你的无心的举止感动了我的心灵。不是我没话说,而是我想听你再说多一点...因为多听一秒钟,感觉就多幸福一分钟...” 爱,就是这么简单...用心去体会那些我们原本能以耳眼鼻舌身来感觉到的,我们都会有不同的感受。听跟用心听有很大的差别...就像爱与用心去爱,两者之间有道很厚的墙隔绝着两方的真谛。爱,仅局限于做出一些爱一个人的表现~ 追求,企图拥有对方,然后与对方共度下半辈子;用心去爱,既是真爱,是希望对方能够变得更加幸福。两男正在拉扯着一位女生...一个男的是爱她,而另一个是用心地去爱她... 当时那女生喊痛时,那用心爱着她的男生放手了...女生说:“你根本就不爱我...为什么你当时放手了?为什么?” 男生说:“就是因为我太爱你了,所以在你感到疼痛时,我放手了...我放手并不是因为我不爱你,是因为我太爱你,所以我情愿放手,让你感觉好一些...”

我这个人从未谈过恋爱...我不知道要在什么时候做什么事来讨好女生,尤其是心爱的女生。我只知道当对方感到辛苦了,我就会放手...因为当我说要爱你时,我就已经决定不想再让你伤心了...哪怕是一丁点的不快乐,我都会觉得是我的错...因为你不快乐就决定不是你的错,不是你的错就当然是我的错咯~ 你是我所喜欢的类型,你知道吗?我一直在等着你,你又知道吗?我信息你了,想要找些话题来聊...但你始终都不回复我信息...我也失望透顶了...心碎了...

最近也有个不错的男生跟你走得很近...我觉得你对他应该也有意思吧?如果你们走在一起,我会祝福你们...你变得比以前成熟了...我很高兴因为感觉上你越来越了解爱情的真谛了...不知在哪一天你真的了解爱情的时候,你会不会转过身来找我?但我想告诉你的是:“也许那一天我会在同一个地方看着风景,但我身边的那一个属于你专属的位置也许已经被其他人占有了。” 我不知道那一天究竟会不会来...但我很确定现在的我,心里已经容不下除了你的女生...我虽然已打消了与你成为男女朋友的想法,但我仍然奢望这天的到来。 你在我心中有举足轻重的地位...有人说:“双鱼的爱是拿得起,但放不下的。” 我特别认同这一点...因为我就算怎么说放弃你,我心中仍然有你!就算我说了100遍,1000遍,10000遍都一样!

是时候让心灵踏上新的旅程了...重新出发~ 带着有你的回忆,让下一段恋爱火车走得更顺畅,更美好。但如果那人是你,那该会有多好啊~ 我如今不强求了,我也懂得怎样去更爱自己了... 得不到,就淡忘...也许下一个不是更好的,但我已经变得更好了。最后我想告诉你:“别因为爱而感到痛苦...因为会让你感到痛苦的,那不是爱。爱你,自然就不舍得让你感到痛苦。但一点激情,确实是一段恋情里的润滑剂。两个人在一起,难免要有争执。透过争吵,两人才会了解到自己在对方心里是多么的重要以及更了解对方的想法...”



I'm back!

It's been a long time since the last time I post something in my blog page... Now, I'm back!

I encountered more than dozen of problem within these few months and I almost couldn't handle it because all the problems come to me in the same time and keep on stacking... It could be the best reason for my bad result of academic... Recently, I fell in love to a girl which looks ordinary for my friends around me. But for me, she was special by just being herself. I like her style, her way to show her true thoughts. She was believed to be a optimistic person and she likes to be in group rather than being alone all the time. Most of my friend "consulted" me and identify her personality to me... They say I could find the better one... But I think there's already a best one in front of me, why do I have to find another one? Love makes people blind, I do agree to it with a cross on my heart that I won't be regret to what I say right now.

Love is not about one person but one pair. I love her with all my spirit and soul but the situation turns out to be she's avoiding herself from me... She still not dare to open up the door of her heart and accept a new relationship. She already break up once and she do hope the next one will be her last one. I'd been done everything that I can and capable to do so for her... Now, everything that I can do is just waiting for her... While waiting, I'll still play my role as her guardian as much as possible... I hope everything will be fine for her... So I need to update everything about her everyday... But it do give me more factor to keep on living. =]